Assistive Technology Services
Step UP AT is committed to providing parents and caregivers with opportunities to learn about assistive technology tools and strategies that assist and support your child’s development.Give Your Child Literacy Tools!
Children Not Reading at Grade Level by 4th Grade are at risk for Failing to GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL. Let's come up with a plan to help your child achieve their best.
% of children are at risk
YOUR involvement makes a difference!
How We Can Help
Step Up AT empowers parents to use assistive technology (AT) at home to enrich language and literacy development, improve communication, and promote positive behavior with their children.
Make A Difference
What We Do
Step UP AT provides parents and caregivers with resources, training, and access to a lending library of devices designed specifically for your family based on your child’s needs.
Assistive Technology
Early Literacy Resources
Step UP AT provides parents with access to programs designed to help their child reach early literacy milestones with the assistance of AT.
Try AT
Lending Assistive Technology
In partnership with FAAST, Step UP AT offers parents the opportunity to try Assistive Technology in the home. Visit the Lending Library to explore AT options that may work for you and your child.Contact Us
Parent / Caregiver Techniques
Step UP AT Learning Tools
Learn about how you can help your children reach their fullest potential through the use of assistive technology. We are always here to support you. Click on the images below to be directed to tools you can use immediately.AT to Help My Child At Home - Spanish
Click on the image above to learn how to help your child develop early literacy skills at home, in Spanish.
Parent/Caregiver Resources
Learn ways to use AT to adapt items in your home, available in both English and Spanish.
AT to Help My Child at Home - English
Click on the image above to learn how to help your child develop early literacy skills at home, in English.