School Districts or Agencies
Professional Development for Inclusion & Assistive Technology
Learn about professional development resources and continuing education (CEU) opportunities available to teacher support specialists, peer coaches, teachers, teacher assistants, and parents to support their use of evidence-based assistive technology and inclusive practices for young children with disabilities.
Early Interventions Lead to Improved Literacy
Children Not Reading at Grade Level by 4th Grade are at risk for Failing to GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL.% of Children At Risk
Teachers & Assistants Making a Difference

How We Can Help
Step UP AT offers school districts and agencies the opportunity to tailor assistive technology professional development to fit individual schools, regions, or entire districts for alignment with today’s special education needs.
What We Do
Work with you to develop the right fit using our Practice-Based Coaching framework and online resources that provide the flexibility of reaching larger groups of educators, maximizing the potential of assistive technology’s positive influence on children with special needs.Experiences From Other Agencies
You may be interested in hearing success stories from other school districts or agencies that have developed successful inclusion programs for early literacy.Lending Assistive Technology
Step UP AT, in partnership with FAAST, offers school districts and agencies the opportunity to try implementing Assistive Technology in the classroom before they buy it.Contact Us

Step UP AT Learning Resources
Click on the images below to learn more about the value of providing program development to help educators implement Early Literacy and the application of Assistive Technology (AT).Implementing AT in the Classroom Setting
Learn about ways to adapt classrooms to increase literacy opportunities through the use of assistive technology.
Step Up Resource Library
Get more detail about how to deliver guidance to other educators related to AT integration for children with disabilities.
AT Learning Modules
View our AT Learning Modules to get a full picture of how to provide professional development opportunities to your staff related to adapting their classrooms for early literacy achievement.