Peer Coaching
Peer Coaches
Teacher Support Specialists or Coaches have a deeper knowledge base and skill set, helping teachers and teacher assistants to implement assistive technology practices in the classroom setting. The ultimate goal of the Teacher Support Specialist (Coach) is to support young children with disabilities in early literacy and learning, reaching even more students (and parents) through their interactions with teachers and teacher assistants.

Key Project Outcome – Changes in AT use from Pre-to-Post Intervention
% Communication Device Increase
% Increase in Learning Apps

How We Can Help
Step UP AT offers teacher support specialists and other seasoned educators / peer coaches a train-the-trainer toolkit of professional development resources to coach teachers and teacher assistants in AT implementation to enhance the quality of instruction and build the foundation for early learning success.
What We Do
Prepare peer coaches with the skills they need to help their fellow teachers and teacher assistants successfully implement assistive technology in the classroom setting and assist parents with facilitating AT in the home.Early Literacy Resources
Advanced training for our Teacher Support Specialists provides opportunities to share the knowledge that you’ve acquired to help other teachers make a difference in the lives of the children in their classrooms.Lending Assistive Technology
In partnership with FAAST, Step UP AT offers teachers and educators the opportunity to implement Assistive Technology in the classroom before they buy. Visit the FAAST Lending Library to see which AT may work best for you!Peer Coach Review
'On behalf of the staff at KIDCO, thank you so much for your dedication, patience, support, and the knowledge you bring to our coaching sessions. We are so fortunate to be a part of such a rewarding program and the positive outcomes AT has generated.'Contact Us

Step UP AT Learning Resources
Click on the images below to learn more about how peer coaches help teachers and teacher assistants implement Early Literacy and the application of Assistive Technology (AT).Video Classroom Setting
View Our AT video library to view our Coaching Series playlists in English and Spanish.
Step UP AT Coaching Resources
Get more detail about how Teacher Support Specialists / Peer Coaches deliver guidance to other teachers and teacher assistance related to AT integration for children with disabilities.
AT Learning Modules
View our AT Learning Modules to get a full picture about how to support teachers to help children with disabilities participate in early literacy activities.